Spring Concert Sat, May 10, 7 – 8:30pm

Nordia House 8800 SW Oleson Rd, Portland, OR 97223

NNW Members $15; under 13 $10; General $20; Arts for All $5

2025 Spring Term Rehearsals Started January 20

NEXT REHEARSALS: MONDAYS, Mar 10, Mar 17, Mar 24, Mar 31, Apr 7, Apr 14, Apr 21, Apr 28, May 5 Finley-Sunset Hills 6801 SW Sunset Hwy, Portland Rehearsal at 7pm upstairs.

Join us before rehearsal on April 7, May 5 for Soup & Salad & Bread & Dessert Supper ($5) at 6pm . All are welcome!


Viking Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser — Sunday, January 12, 2025 20% of proceeds support Portland Nordic Chorus!

Sunday, January 12, 2025 | 8:30 am – 12 pm | Norse Hall | 111 N.E. 11th, Portland, OR 97232 Enter through the Couch Street side door.

All-you-can-eat pancakes, sausage links, fruit, scrambled eggs, orange juice, and coffee or tea. Cafeteria-style seating allows for large groups to sit together without reservations — invite friends!

$10 adults; $6 children age 3-10; under 3 eat free. Pay cash at the door.

The Viking Pancake Breakfast is hosted by Grieg Lodge of the Sons of Norway on second Sundays in 2024 except July, August, November & December.

ScanFair 2025 Oregon Convention Center December 7 & 8

Saturday 10am – 5pm | Sunday 10am – 4pm | December 7 & 8, 2024
Oregon Convention Center | 777 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Portland, OR 97232

JOIN PNC on Sunday, Dec 8 at 12:00 pm for presentation of the 2024 Lucia Court and a selection of seasonal songs from the stage. On both Saturday and Sunday be sure to stop by our booth to buy freshly baked Nordic treats! Read more info about ScanFair and buy tickets

LuciaFest December 14, 2025 Moreland Presbyterian

You are invited to enjoy a beautiful Scandinavian traditional pageant and the joyous music of the season. New Sweden Cultural Heritage hosts music and performances by:

  • The children of The Swedish School of Portland
  • Portland Nordic Chorus
  • Vocal soloists
  • Oregon’s 2024 Lucia Court

Following the program there will be the customary singing and dancing around the Christmas tree “Ringlekar Runt Julgranen”, a visit from Tomten, glögg, coffee, and traditional baked goods. Because of the church’s size, we will have a limited number of tickets available — ensure you get to go to this once-a-year spectacular event, and buy your tickets in advance!

Purchase your tickets online here!

Saturday, December 14th, 2024, 3pm-5pm Moreland Presbyterian Church, 1814 SE Bybee Blvd, Portland, OR 97202

PNC Holiday Concert December 14 7pm Nordia House

Saturday, December 14, 2024 | 7-9 pm Nordia House Great Hall 8800 SW Oleson Rd. Portland, OR

JOIN US for BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS SONGS from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden sung in the native languages! General admission, no reserved seating. Doors open at 6:30 pm with a bar selling beer and wine. Treats provided by the Chorus after the concert. Get tickets here.

Viking Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser — Sunday, January 12, 2025 20% of proceeds support Portland Nordic Chorus!

Sunday, January 12, 2025 | 8:30 am – 12 pm | Norse Hall | 111 N.E. 11th, Portland, OR 97232 Enter through the Couch Street side door.

All-you-can-eat pancakes, sausage links, fruit, scrambled eggs, orange juice, and coffee or tea. Cafeteria-style seating allows for large groups to sit together without reservations — invite friends!

$10 adults; $6 children age 3-10; under 3 eat free. Pay cash at the door.

The Viking Pancake Breakfast is hosted by Grieg Lodge of the Sons of Norway on second Sundays in 2024 except July, August, November & December.

2025 Spring Term Rehearsals Start January 20

MONDAY, January 20, 2025: Join us at Finley’s (6801 SW Sunset Hwy, Portland, Oregon) downstairs for Soup & Salad & Bread & Dessert Supper ($5) at 6pm
Rehearsal at 7pm upstairs. All are welcome!


Fall/Winter 2024

Itsenäisyyspäivä December 6 @7pm Nordia House

Wednesday, December 6, 2024 | 7-8:30 pm | Nordia House Great Hall | NORDIC NORTHWEST 8800 SW Oleson Rd. Portland, OR 97223

The event starts with a Wreath Laying Ceremony at 7 p.m. followed by speeches and music. The annual event is sponsored by the Finnish Messiah Lutheran Church and FFCPC. Admission is free, but we welcome donations.


Friday, November, 2024 | 8 pm | The Grotto8840 NE Skidmore Street, Portland, OR 97220

What a delight for the ears and eyes! The Grotto invited us this year — such a special venue for celebrating the season! Tickets can be purchased here.

Summer 2024

PNC Leads Singing of Happy Birthday to Ole Bolle

Sunday, August 18 2:00- 2:30pm @Nordic Northwest

Lyrics distributed for an ‘All Sing’

  • Norwegian: Hurra for deg (see media below)
  • Finnish: Paljon onnea vaan (to generic Happy Birthday tune)
  • Icelandic: Hann á afmæli i dag ( “” )
  • Danish: Det er din fødselsdag ( “” )
  • Swedish: Ja må du leva (see media below)

Tune / Pronunciation for Norwegian fødselsdag song ‘Hurra for deg’

Tune/ Pronunciation for Swedish födelsedag song ‘Ja må du leva’

Oregon Midsummer Festival (Nordic Northwest)

Friday June 28 | 5pm-9pm

Saturday, June 29 | 10am-5 pm

Nordia House & Fogelbo Lawn

8800 SW Oleson Road Portland

PNC will be selling their delicious baked goods at a booth directly across from the stage on the Fogelbo Lawn.

Chorus and alumni will sing the five Nordic national anthems, The Star Spangled Banner, and Majsång on Saturday, June 29 around noon immediately before the procession of the national flags and raising of the majstång.

Portland Midsommar (New Sweden and League of Swedish Societies)

Saturday, June 15, 2024 | 11am-4pm | Picnic Area #9 | Admission Free; Parking $5 | Oaks Park 7805 SE Oaks Park Way Portland OR, 97202

Bring your own picnic or purchase tunnbrödsrulle, (hot dog and mashed potatoes in an edible wrap, a popular Swedish street food), salmon burgers, sodas, coffee, and shortcake. Make flower crowns and help decorate the majstång, then dance around it. PNC will sing the Swedish national anthem Du gamla du fria and Majsång around 1pm before the majstång is raised.


"File:Norwegian Constitution Day 2017 in Stockholm.jpg" by Frankie Fouganthin is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

Syttende Mai Norwegian Constitution Day

Friday, May 17, 2024 | 5:30 pm | Norse Hall | 111 N.E. 11th, Portland, OR 97232

When Norwegians emigrated, they brought with them their love for the Constitution and the traditions of May 17. Celebrated around the world, the day marks a commemoration of independence from Denmark, freedom, and the second oldest written constitution in the world. More information about this event may be found here. PNC will be singing the Norwegian national anthem Ja vi elsker dette landet on stage at 5:30pm and in the parade. Stage performance will include the US and Canadian anthems and Naar fjordene blaaner from our Spring Concert.

Portland Nordic Chorus Spring Concert

Saturday, May 11, 2024 | 6-7p Fika/Social Hour and 7-8:30p Concert | Nordia House Great Hall | NORDIC NORTHWEST, 8800 SW Oleson Rd. Portland, OR 97223

Celebrate the glorious spring season with treats and a cheerful performance!


Sunday, May 5, 2024 | Afternoon Time TBD | Nordia House Great Hall | NORDIC NORTHWEST, 8800 SW Oleson Rd. Portland, OR 97223

Labor day is celebrated as an important festivity in most countries around the world. In Finland, it is known as Vappu (Valborg in Swedish, second official language in Finland) and considered as one of the biggest celebrations of the year next to Christmas and Easter holidays. Here we often celebrate it with treats and songs around a bonfire!

Viking Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser — 20% of proceeds on Sunday March 10 support Portland Nordic Chorus!

Sunday, March 10, 2024 | 8:30 am – 12 pm | Norse Hall | 111 N.E. 11th, Portland, OR 97232 Enter through the Couch Street side door.

All-you-can-eat pancakes, sausage links, fruit, scrambled eggs, orange juice, and coffee or tea. Cafeteria-style seating allows for large groups to sit together without reservations — invite friends!

$10 adults; $6 children age 3-10; under 3 eat free. Pay cash at the door.

The Viking Pancake Breakfast is hosted by Grieg Lodge of the Sons of Norway on second Sundays in 2024 except July, August, November & December.

The Oregon Chorale Presents SONGS of SCANDINAVIA Featuring the Portland Nordic Chorus

bird singing in winter
Come and sing your way through winter and into spring!

2024 Rehearsals Start Monday January 22 (postponed from Jan 15 due to the weather)

7-9 PM Monday Evenings — but first rehearsal on Jan 22 will include a soup supper starting at 6PM (details below).

We welcome all with and without Nordic heritage who have a desire to be a part of a choral group that explores Nordic languages and choral music. No auditions necessary and we have native speakers help us with pronunciation.

COME JOIN IN THE FUNContact us and come to a rehearsal!

NOTE: Masks are optional

Rehearsal Location: Finley-Sunset Hills, 6801 SW Sunset Hwy, Portland, OR 97225Finley Sunset Hills has been very kind and generous in opening up their facility to our weekly rehearsals — free of charge.

Soup Suppers: on the first Mondays of each month begins with a delicious home-cooked soup, salad and bread supper at 6PM before rehearsal begins at 7PM, for $5.

For updates, please contact us if you are not already on our member email list and follow our Facebook page.

Christmas Season 2023

Bake Sale Swedish Tea Ring


Sunday, November 12, 2023 | 11am – 6 pm | Norse Hall | 111 N.E. 11th, Portland, OR 97232

The Portland Nordic Chorus is happily selling our homemade Nordic breads in the main ballroom/waiting area for this lovely annual dinner. We sell Swedish limpa (spiced orange rye loaf), tea rings, cardamom braids, and various cookies. All can be frozen and used for Christmas! Please stop by and tell your friends. We will also sell homemade baked goods at ScanFair Dec 9-10! THANKS for your support!


Saturday, December 2, 2023 | 7-9 pm | Nordia House Great Hall | NORDIC NORTHWEST, 8800 SW Oleson Rd. Portland, OR 97223

JOIN US for BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS SONGS from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden sung in the native languages! Doors open at 6 pm, general admission, no reserved seating. Get tickets and read more info about the Portland Nordic Chorus Annual Christmas Concert.


Sunday, December 3, 2023 | 9 pm | The Grotto, 8840 NE Skidmore Street, Portland, OR 97220

What a delight for the ears and eyes! The Grotto invited us this year — such a special venue for celebrating the season! Tickets can be purchased here.

Itsenäisyyspäivä — Finland’s Independence Celebration at Nordic Northwest

Wednesday, December 6, 2023 | 7-8:30 pm | Nordia House Great Hall | NORDIC NORTHWEST, 8800 SW Oleson Rd. Portland, OR 97223

The event starts with a Wreath Laying Ceremony at 7 p.m. followed by Concert Program at 7:30 p.m. featuring Finlandia Foundation National Performer of the Year, Ida Metsberg, Finnish singer and songwriter. Program also includes Portland Nordic Chorus, Honorary Consul Veikko Valli as keynote speaker, and more. Note that doors open at 6 p.m. with a no-host bar to mingle and celebrate the occasion. The annual event is sponsored by the Finnish Messiah Lutheran Church and FFCPC. Admission is free, but we welcome donations.



Saturday 10am – 5pm | Sunday 10am – 4pm | December 9-10, 2023 | Oregon Convention Center | 777 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Portland, OR 97232

JOIN US on Sunday, Dec 10 at 12:30 pm for the traditional SANKTA LUCIA CROWNING, and on both Saturday and Sunday be sure to stop by our table to buy freshly homemade Nordic baked goods! Read more info about SCANFAIR

TRADITIONAL LUCIA FEST with the New Sweden Cultural Heritage Society

Saturday, December 16, 2023 | 3-5 pm | Moreland Presbyterian Church, 1814 Southeast Bybee Boulevard Portland, OR 97202

Scandinavian tradition holds that in Värmland, Sweden, a white clad maiden wearing a crown of burning candles and a red sash brought food to starving villagers on the shores of Lake Vänern. On the morning of December 13, the strains of “Santa Lucia” are heard everywhere in Sweden as the white-robed maiden comes out of the night with her crown of lighted candles to dispel the darkness, bringing light to the Christmas season. While it was originally a Swedish tradition, it has since spread to the other Scandinavian countries.

You are invited to enjoy a beautiful traditional pageant and music of the season by:

  • The children of the Swedish School of Portland
  • Oregon’s 2023 Lucia Court
  • Portland Nordic Chorus
  • Vocal Soloist

Following the program there will be the customary singing and dancing around the Christmas tree, a visit by Tomten, glögg, coffee and traditional baked goods.

NOTE: LIMITED NUMBER OF SEATS/TICKETS | Because of the church size this year we will have a limited amount of tickets available. Buy tickets online!

LILLEJULAFTEN — Danish Christmas Service

Saturday, December 23, 2023 | 6 pm | Nordia House Great Hall | NORDIC NORTHWEST, 8800 SW Oleson Rd. Portland, OR 97223

For many years (at least 40!), Danes in Oregon and Southwest Washington have gathered each year on December 23 to celebrate Christmas in the traditional Danish way. The Lillejuleaften (“Little Christmas Eve”) event in Portland features a Danish church service and a kaffebord (coffee and cake). Come wish everyone a glædelig jul!

Read more about the Northwest Danish Association.

JULOTTA Swedish Sunrise Christmas Service

Monday, December 25, 2023 | 7 am | First Immanuel Lutheran Church, 1816 NW Irving St. Portland, OR 97209

A very special sunrise Christmas service! Calling all early birds!

Spring Season 2023

Portland Nordic Chorus Spring Concert

Saturday May 13, 2023 | 7 – 9 PM | Doors open at 6 PM | Nordia House | NORDIC NORTHWEST, 8800 SW Oleson Rd. Portland, OR 97223

Celebrate the glorious spring season with a cheerful performance from the Portland Nordic Chorus. We are a mixed community chorus celebrating friendship and common interest in Nordic culture and music by rehearsing and performing music. We sing primarily in Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish, and English. We welcome all with and without Nordic heritage who have a desire to be a part of a choral group that explores Nordic languages and choral music.

Doors will open at 6 PM with a no host bar with beer and wine for purchase. Light refreshments to be served.

General Admission: $20
Nordic Northwest Members: $15
All Youth (12 and under): $5
Arts for All: $5

Buy tickets online for the 2023 Portland Nordic Chorus Spring Concert through Nordic Northwest.

"File:Norwegian Constitution Day 2017 in Stockholm.jpg" by Frankie Fouganthin is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

Syttende Mai — Norwegian Constitution Day

Wednesday May 17, 2023 | 5 PM | Doors and Bar open at 4 PM | Norse Hall | 111 N.E. 11th, Portland, OR 97232

When Norwegians emigrated, they brought with them their love for the Constitution and the traditions of May 17. Celebrated around the world, the day marks a commemoration of independence, freedom and the second oldest written constitution in the world. More information about this event may be found here.

Oregon Midsummer Festival on the Nordic Northwest Campus

NORDIC NORTHWEST, 8800 SW Oleson Rd. Portland, OR 97223

Friday, June 23rd: 5pm – 10pm (beat the crowds on this dance filled evening with a bonfire)
Saturday, June 24th: 10am – 5pm (pole raising and more traditional entertainment)

We will sing the Nordic national anthems and a couple of spring songs at Noon on Saturday, June 24 before the majstong pole is raised at the Oregon Midsummer Festival.

BAKE SALE: Be sure to stop by our table and buy our baked goods which helps support our singing!

Buy tickets online for the 2023 Oregon Midsummer Festival through Nordic Northwest.

The 2023 American Union of Swedish Singers Convention in Atlanta, Georgia

Wednesday-Saturday August 2–5, 2023 a subset of our singers will be joining Akademiska koren i Stockholm and Swedish choruses from around the states in Atlanta, Georgia for the 2023 AUSS Convention and a Grand Concert on Aug 5 hosted by Vasa Dränger.


Dear Friends of Portland Nordic Chorus,

We miss seeing and singing with you at our concerts and long for the time when we can be together again safely in the same space.

This holiday season we would like to share our first virtual choir performance with you as the celebration of Sankta Lucia is celebrated this coming Sunday, December 13. May Lucia remind us that the light will return, and may your homes be filled with light and warmth and love this winter and into the new year.

If you are able, your donations will help us keep our music safely stored, our website updated, and our wonderful new artistic director paid during this time when our usual fundraising via baked goods and tickets is not possible.

Please make your checks payable to Portland Nordic Chorus and mail them to:

Karen Henell
4605 SW 27th Ave
Portland, OR 97239

Tak skal du have, Kiitoksia paljon, Þakka þér fyrir, Takk skal du ha, Tack så mycket, Thank you!


Der er et yndigt land, Denmark’s National Anthem 
Maamme, Finland’s National Anthem
Lofsöngur: O, guð vors lands, Iceland’s National Anthem
Ja Vi Elsker, Norway’s National Anthem
Du Gamla, du Fria: Sweden’s National Anthem
Star-Spangled Banner: America’s National Anthem